Massage Praxis Rowe
in Cham
Time out from hectic everyday life, recharge your batteries & build resilience.
Relaxation, Regeneration & Strengthening of the Body
Are you stressed by everyday life? Do you have pain in your musculoskeletal system?
Then it is worth making an appointment.
Children, teenagers and adults are equally welcome.
My aim is to help you relax and regenerate so that you can return to your everyday life stronger than ever.
I am recognised member at the EMR and ASCA. Most health insurance companies recognise my service through their supplementary insurance. Please check in advance with your health insurance company whether part of my services will be reimbursed.
Below you will find the price list.
Please note that the therapy doesn’t substitute the medical doctor. A healing promise cannot be made.
For new clients, payment is made in cash or via TWINT.

Birgit Rowe
Massage Therapist
About me
My name is Birgit Rowe, I live in Cham since 2013.
In March 2019, I started my training as a therapeutic masseur. I successfully completed the qualification in December 2021.
I have been a self-employed masseur therapist since January 2022.
Most health insurances recognise my service. They can be settled through the supplementary insurance of health insurances that are affiliated to the EGK, ASCA or EMR.